Property Vista Product Updates - September 2023

Deployment Date: September 14, 2023


Welcome to our Product Updates communication for September - from new features and enhancements to bug fixes. 


Property Vista CRM


  • We've improved the Audit Record Details when you update a  lease agreement policy, providing more in-depth information. Now, you can easily track changes and stay informed.
  • Introducing a new optional dropdown field called "Type" under Portfolios. Now, specify portfolio types (owned or managed) for better categorization: Investment, Marketing, Operational, Ownership, and Other.
  • Improved navigation with icons in the Administration menu. Find features faster and more intuitively with icons accompanying menu items.


  • We addressed a CRM issue displaying incomplete building addresses due to character limits. Expanded character limits for complete building addresses in CRM and Prospect Portal.
  • The system no longer shows an error when downloading Rent Roll reports for buildings with leases whose Completion Date is beyond the Lease To date.
  • We will now exclude features marked as non-recurring from the N1 rent Increase amount. This change will improve the accuracy of N1 rent increase calculations by excluding charges that are non-recurring or one-time in nature. Rest assured, this update will not affect the current Gain/Loss calculation in the CRM. 




  • We have converted the General Ledger  Extended Export into a full-fledged report called Extended Ledger, which allows Daily and Monthly reporting, and more filtering capabilities.
  • For Yardi PMCs, when the Yardi Purchasing Mode is "Purchase Order" the system now has a new option called Show Yardi PO ID on PO, located under Administration > Yardi Connections. When this option is enabled, the system will show a new field on the purchase order named Yardi PO ID. This Yardi PO ID will also show as a new column and filter in the Purchase Orders lister. 

Additionally, the system now has the following options on the Purchase Order Template Policy, located under  Policies > Templates > Purchase Order Templates > Template

  • Show Yardi PO ID -  When this option is enabled, the system will show a new field on the Purchase Order template named Yardi PO ID. 
  • Hide Vista PO ID - When this option is enabled, the system will not show the PV-generated PO ID on the Purchase Order template.
  • We added a handy "Payment Batch ID" column in Finance > Aggregated Transfers. This column will make it easier for Yardi users to reconcile PV and Yardi. Now, you can spot those Yardi Batch IDs right within the Aggregated Transfer batch, making record matching with bank statements a breeze.
  • We've enhanced the filter functionality in the General Journal Lister. Now, when you click on the "Add Filter" button, all available filters will be displayed, ensuring users are aware of and have access to all filtering options.

Web Experience/Mobile 

Tenant Portal

  • If your Mastercard payment is automatically detected as a Debit card in the "Add Payment Method" workflow,  the Card type field won't be disabled anymore.
  • Images will no longer give you a black screen when you click to enlarge them in the "Maintenance Requests" workflow.
  • You can now edit your payment method information before making changes in the "Add Payment Method" workflow.
  • Compliance update to Android API level.

Vista CRM

  • Enhancement to create Inspection Policy to generate “Pre-move-out Inspection” based on a configurable # of days following tenant notice.
  • Now, you can select "ILS Opt-out" as a column in the "Floorplans" Lister workflow in the Building/Property menu.
  • If your Floorplan Name field is empty after Yardi synchronization (Yardi users only), we'll apply it to the "Marketing Name" field." with "Enhancement to apply Floor plan Name to “Marketing Name” field if the field is blank.
  • Admin Users can now delete Floor Plans right from the CRM user interface.
  • You can now create an Inspection Policy to generate “Pre-move-out Inspection” based on a configurable number of days following tenant notice.

Inspector App

  • We've reduced the hang time when a login attempt fails.
  • Total Amount in Deposit Charges on the Move-in/Move-out Inspection workflow is now calculated correctly.
  • No more errors after submitting an inspection with additional Tenant Signature images.
  • Uploading images to a Maintenance Request from the app won't give you permission errors anymore.
  • Currency fields in the Security Deposit screens on the Move-in/Move-out Inspection workflow now show two decimal places.
  • On Android devices, clicking the Filter menu in the "Overview" tab won't crash the app.



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