Property Vista's Bookable Amenities

The objective of implementing the Bookable Amenities feature is to provide users an efficient way to reserve amenities within the platform. This article acts as a guide on using Amenities in PropertyVista CRM.


Adding an Amenity to a Property:

Users can navigate to Property--select a Property-- Bookable Amenities-- Select New Bookable Amenity. Users can add all of their available amenities for the selected property and configure it according to their requirement.


Below mentioned are the fields and their definitions:

  • Scheduling: Users can add open and close time for an Amenity. If the times for both are set as 0:00 this indicates that the Amenity is open 24hrs.
      • Time Limit field is calculated in hours, and can be set for Amenities which have usage time limit per session. For instance, adding 4hrs to a Club house will mean tenants can use the club house for up to 4hours only per booking.
  • Lead time: Users can set minimal time in hours from the date when tenant reservation is made to when reservation time starts.
      • Example: party room reservation requires lead time of at least 24 hours.
  • Book in Advance: Users can add maximum advance booking time in days for reservations which can be booked ahead.
      • Example: If set to 30 days for Fitness club amenity, it will mean that a reservation cannot be taken for date later than 30days from today’s date.
  • Fees & Charges: The payments functionality is not available for Amenities today and is greyed out as part of our first phase.

The fields: Available Online, Complex Availability, Auto-approve, Cancel after approval are not functional as part of first phase and Users can proceed with leaving them unchecked or selecting None values.



Reserving Amenities from PropertyVista CRM:

There are two ways to reserve an amenity. Users can either navigate to Building and select the required Amenity or navigate to the Amenities Lister under Tenants & leases.


Below mentioned are the fields and their definitions:

  • Start & End time: Select the start and finish time for the amenity.
  • Payments & charges: As previously mentioned, this functionality is not available for Users today as we continue to work on integrating our payments module seamlessly as part of Amenities.
  • Exclusive: There are two ways to use this functionality:
      • Reserving space for Servicing/Maintenance: PMC employees can select an Amenity-Actions--Block Amenity Time. When this is selected the Amenity is by default marked as Exclusive, meaning for this time the amenity will not be available for usage. Prior to approving it is recommended for Users to navigate to Validate to see if any schedules are impacted.
      • Reserving Amenity space for Tenants: If a space needs to be reserved for an exclusive event or a tenant the Amenity can be marked as Exclusive so as to avoid overlaps with non-exclusive bookings.
  • Validate: When an Amenity reservation request is submitted, it is highly recommended that users navigate to Validate button prior to approving or rejecting the booking. This button allows users to validate if the reservation time aligns with Amenity schedule, and if there are any Exclusive events scheduled for the same date & time.
  • What Impacted: Another validation which Users are highly recommended to navigate to prior to Actioning Reservation requests is the What is Impacted field. This will show users any other reservations that clash with the new request so that users can take an informed action on approving, rejecting or cancelling the request.



Amenities Booking Lister:

Users can do this by navigating to the Tenants & Leases--Bookable Amenities. This lister gives users the overview of Amenity statuses, additionally users can select Calendar view to get a monthly or daily calendar view of all amenity statuses throughout all of PMC properties.

Amenities Lister Calendar View


  • Calendar View in the Amenities Booking Lister: The Amenities Lister can be switched to Calendar View for the lister ViewBelow are the colour scheme definitions for each of the Colours used in the Calendar for various statuses:
    1. Requested + Exclusive: DARKCYAN
    2. Approved + Exclusive: ORANGE
    3. Approved: GREEN
    4. Canceled: GREY
    5. Rejected: RED
    6. Completed: LIGHTGREY


Tenant Communications for Amenities:

When Amenity requests are Approved or Rejected by Users from Property Vista CRM, Tenants will receive Status confirmations on their registered email address. When the requests are Approved, tenants receive Approval confirmations with their reservation details, status and Amenity address.

When the tenant request for reservation is rejected they receive reservation request details, status and request to contact the PMC office for further assistance.

Approved Booking

Amenity Booking Confirmation Email

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