Adding Buildings

Want to add a Building/Property to your Property Vista system? Spectacular! You will need:

i) The Address data of the Building - Street Name & Street Number, Province, City, & Postal Code

ii) a Property Code of your choosing - This can be up to 8 digits, and is Alphanumeric (no special characters)


With that information gathered, the process for Creating a Building is outlined below: 

1) In the Properties Module, select Buildings. This will bring up our Buildings Lister


2) Click the Add New Building button 


3) Fill in the required information, outlined previously in this Article


Our Building is now created. This is only one step of getting our Building ready for use in Property Vista though. Next, we will have to add Floorplans, so we can create Units within the Building. Our Article on Creating Floorplans can be found here   


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