Application/Leasing Policies


Application and Leasing Policies allow you to configure your lease and application rules. 

This step-by-step guide helps you configure your Application and Leasing Policies. 

  1. Go to Administration →  Policies →  Application/Leasing
  2. To create a new policy, select an item from the Application/Leasing tab.
  3. Select the + New [Item]. The list of items that can be configured under Application/Leasing are outlined below. To edit an existing policy, click Edit (skip steps 3 and 4).
  4. Choose the scope of the policy from the Scope list.

Scope options include:

      • Organization
      • Province
      • Complex 
      • Building

5. Choose where that scope applies under the Applied To list → click Save

6. Add/edit the rules that fit your organization → Save.

The following items can be configured in the Application/Leasing Policy section in Property Vista:

Approval Checklist Use this policy to configure your unique checklist for your company application approvals (e.g.Call References, Check Attached Documents, etc). 
Background Check Use this to set up your credit check and background check criteria. 

Use this policy to set the various wording and criteria for documentation during the application process. The following types of documents can be customized and required in Property Vista:

    • Tenant IDs: Set how many IDs are required, as well as what type of IDs allowed (e.g. Drivers License). You can make various IDs mandatory, preferred or optional.
    • Dependent IDs: Set how many IDs are required, as well as what type of IDs allowed (e.g. Drivers License). You can make various IDs mandatory, preferred or optional.
    • Employment: Set the wording for each income source in the proof of employment document. You can set the proof of employment as mandatory if required.
    • Income: This refers to "other" income sources. Set the wording for each income source in the proof of income document. You can set proof of income as mandatory if required.
    • Assets: Set the wording for each asset source in the proof of asset document. You can set proof of assets as mandatory if required.
Legal Questions In this section, you can enable and customize the questions to be asked on the application process. 

Lease Agreement Policies

Use this to set up the lease agreement wording and layout. You may also want to make sure that the integration is set up properly for Yardi users by looking at this article.

    • Legal Terms: Enter your legal wording here. For the best results, we recommend using one "box" per paragraph. The system will automatically add the numbering for each paragraph. You are able to add signature requirements for each legal box (e.g. based on your preference you can make it so that the tenant must sign: Full Name, Initials, press Agree Box, press Agree Box and Sign Full Name, or None).
    • Signatures: Select the tag, signature format, title and who it is applicable for.
    • Settings: Make further customizations under the Settings section, including additional discounts and features.
Lease Application Policies

Use this to set up the application agreement wording and layout. You may also want to make sure that the integration is set up properly for Yardi users by looking at this guide

    • Legal Step: Enter your legal wording here. For best results we recommend using one "box" per paragraph. You are able to add signature requirements for each legal box (e.g. based on your preference you can make it so that the Tenant must sign: Full Name, Initials, press Agree Box, press Agree Box and Sign Full Name, or None).

You will also need to configure the legal wording based on Role (i.e. you may want to have different wording for guarantors than you would for applicants).

    •  Confirmation Step: This step is after signing the application agreement. It is recommended to add something around your privacy policy and digital signatures in this section. You are able to add signature requirements for each legal box (e.g. based on your preference you can make it so that the Tenant must sign: Full Name, Initials, press Agree Box, press Agree Box and Sign Full Name, or None).

You will also need to configure the legal wording based on Role (i.e. you may want to have different wording for guarantors than you would for applicants).

Lease Form Signing

This policy focuses on the entire lease lifecycle signing process. To set up this policy, visit this article HERE.

Online Availability

In this section, you can customize the online availability of your units

    • Details

=> Unit Availability Span: To avoid a unit being rented out too far in advance, the Unit Availability Span sets the parameters of what units to show as available (e.g. If a tenant is looking to rent an apartment 180 days from today and there is a vacant unit available today, are they allowed to rent that unit?). The Unit Availability Span limits the availability of the units to a certain amount of days in advance.

=> Max Exact Match Units: When a tenant uses the search criteria (i.e. 2 bedroom, 2 bath), this will limit the prospects to X number of units shown.

=> Max Partial Match Units: When a tenant uses the search criteria (i.e 2 bedroom, 2 bath) and there are no units available, do you want to show them alternatives? This value will limit the prospects to X number of units to be shown as partial matches.

=> Lease Term Ranges: This policy defines what is shown in the portal (i.e. if you select 11-13, then tenants will be able to select an 11, 12, or 13-month term when applying)).


In this section, you will need to set restrictions for the application process.

    • Occupation: Here you can limit the number of occupants per bedroom as well as parking, and locker. Based on the numbers entered here, the online application will not allow you to go past these settings.
    • Age of Majority: Here you can set the legal age of majority and if you want to enforce it. 

=> Matured Occupants are Applicants: If you require your occupants to be a leaseholder if they are age of majority, you can set this with this policy.

    • Financial: Here you can set financial restrictions for leases

=> Guarantors: If you do not require guarantors, you can customize that within this policy.

=> Min Employment Duration: When collecting employment data, the system can prompt for previous employment information or additional employment data based on the requirements. Set the Min Employment Duration here (i.e. 12 months).

=> Max Number Of Employments: Set the limit for how many employment tenures you require to reach the Min Employment duration. We recommend capping it at 2

    •  Miscellaneous

=> Years To Forcing Previous Address: When asking for tenants for their current address, the system can force previous addresses if the prospective tenant has been living there less than X number of years.

=> Emergency Contacts Is Mandatory: To enforce emergency contacts as a mandatory field, select this checkbox.

=> Emergency Contacts Number: Enter the number of emergency contacts that are required in this box.

=> Reference Source Is Mandatory: To track how tenants heard about you, select this checkbox to enforce the reference source.

    • Pets

You can provide information related to the pets allowed in the unit. How many allowed? What kind of animal? The weight, size and description.





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