MR/PR/PO/Expense and Expense Payments with Voyager

This document will provide a detailed walkthrough of the Maintenance Request, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Expense and eventually culminating on an Expense Payment in Vista. Not all details about how to complete each transaction will be provided due to complexities within those transactions, however links to other articles will be shown.


The document is focused on syncing the various transactions with Yardi Voyager, however apart from the Yardi Sync Modes policy and the actual syncing, the process is the same for non-Voyager synced environments. To view information about the Yardi Sync Modes policy please check out this article


The other difference between Yardi and non-Yardi environments is the creation of Journal Entries (JEs). In non-Yardi synced environments the system creates JEs when Expenses and Expense Payments are submitted/approved. Accounting is turned off for Yardi synced environments so no JEs are created.


Prior to starting the following work, please review the vendors have been populated from Voyager under the Organization tab. The GL accounts should also be reviewed from the admin page > Financial tab > Accounting > GL Account. One or many GL accounts as needed need to be flagged as Expense accounts. This can be easily done by clicking on an account, editing it through the pencil icon and selecting an Account Type as Expense.



Maintenance Requests (MRs)


There are many MRs articles written on our Vista Support website. They can be found under this link

To avoid repeating the details mentioned in the above articles, we will start our journey after an MR has been created. Once the MR is created, we can go to the Actions button and click on Action Required. On the popup that appears, a required action must be selected and comments entered. Only if a Required Actions option is selected will the system create a related Purchase Requisition (PR)



After clicking OK, system will create the PR and show it under the Purchasing History tab of the MR. Many PRs can be created from the same MR through the same steps described above. It should be noted that currently Vista does not sync MRs with Voyager.

Purchase Requisitions (PRs)


A PR can also be created independent of an MR by going directly to the Finance tab > Purchasing > Purchase requisitions. This article here describes in more detail the process


Clicking on the PR from the MR tab mentioned above, will navigate to the PR page itself. The created PR has a link to the MR from the Maintenance Request ID field.


After the PR is created, it contains the line item as specified in the MR, however we still need to select a Vendor (if we are hiring a third party to do the work) and a GL Account. If the work will be done by in house staff, then we need to select the Internal Team checkbox on the line item of the PR. Selecting the Internal Team box, and then eventually Submitting and Approving a PR will create a Work Order. Not checking the box and selecting a vendor and submitting/approving a PR will create a Purchase Order (PO) for that vendor.


Work Orders and PRs are not synced with Yardi but POs are, as we will discuss further below.


Purchase Orders


To view more information about POs please review this link


Once a PR has been approved it creates one or many POs. If the PR contains many line items with different vendors, many POs will be created, one for each vendor. After a PO is created it can be accessed from the PO tab under Finance > Purchasing. Now its simply a matter of reviewing the PO and Submittiing it from the Actions button on the top right corner. The moment a PO is submitted its sent to Yardi. System also sends to Voyager the Vista PO ID in the Description field of the Voyager PO as well as the Date the Vista PR was approved and the approved in the User Defined fields 2 an 3 of the Voyager PO



Meanwhile the Voyager PO ID shows on the Vista PO in a custom Yardi PO ID field


PO Change Order (CO)


After a PO has been submitted, the amount can still be edited. Editing this amount will prompt an approval of the parent PR. When the PR is approved, the PO reverts back to a Draft status. Submitting the PO a second time will actually create a CO in Voyager, which is related to the original PO. The CO will have an amount equal to the difference of new PO amount less original PO amount. This amount can be negative.






An Expense can be created and associated with the PO we just submitted to Voyager. The PO must be in a Submitted status in order of it to be available for selection on the Expense.

Of course the Expense can also be created, unrelated to a PO. To create an Expense we need to go to, Finance > Expenses > Expenses > New Expense. Select the Vendor and from the Orders field select the correct PO we are looking to create. Fill in the Expense ID (which can be the invoice number from the Vendor) and all dates. If there is a PO related to the Expense, we just need to click on Save and the line items will be populated accordingly based on the PO details. If no PO is selected the line items need to be populated manually. The line items can be edited.

Once the Expense is filled out, if there is a PO related to it, we must first Complete the PO from the PO grid, in order to submit the Expense. If there are no POs, we can submit freely. The moment Submit is clicked, system will send the Expense to Voyager as unpaid. An expense in Voyager is called a Payable. Once the Expense is submitted, it is now available to be paid.


Expense Payments


After an Expense has been submitted it appears on the Finance > Expenses > Accounts Payable > Pay Expenses page, awaiting to be paid.

Select one or many expenses to be paid and click on Pay Expenses. On the following screen select the most appropriate Payment Type to represent how the invoice was paid. All options behave the same way except the Outbound option.

Only select this option if you are familiar with the Outbound Payment process as explained in this article here

There is extensive set up to enable Outbound Payments prior to using it as an Expense Payment.

After selecting an option click Create Payments. On the Review Vendor Payments page that follows, select the payments and from the Actions button, click on Approve. The moment Approve is selected, system will send the payments to Voyager. Where more than one vendor is present, system will send one payment per vendor and associate them with their respective payables in Voyager.






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