Adding Property Owner Users

Are you ready to Welcome your Owners to Property Vista? Great! Lets get started!


STEP 1: Navigate to Administration → Financial → Accounting → Property Owner Users



STEP 2: Select +New Property Owner User



STEP 3: Use the Dropdown to select the Owner you are creating the User for



STEP 4: Input relevant Data for Property Owner User Account. Note: The only required information on this tab is the First & Last Name & Email Address.


Title Input a title (Example: Controller, Owner etc..) 
First Name (REQUIRED) Input First Name of Owner
Last Name (REQUIRED) Input Last Name of Owner
Middle Name Input Middle Name of Owner
Birth Date Input Birth Date of Owner
Home Phone Input Home Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) 
Mobile Phone Input Mobile Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) 
Name Prefix Select Prefix from dropdown list (Example: Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc..)
Name Suffix Input Suffix (Example: PHD, CCNA, OBE, etc..) 
Maiden Name Input Maiden Name 
Gender Select Gender from the dropdown list (Male, Female, X)
Work Phone  Input Work Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) 
Email (REQUIRED) Input Email Address
Signature  Select this box to upload a picture of the Owner Signature
Description Input a description of the Owner if you would like to add additional information 


STEP 5: Navigate to the Privileges Tab and confirm this Owner User is Active & Add a Role. Note: If at any time you would like to block access for a user unselect Active Employee.



Password You have the ability to Create a password for your Owner User - If you choose to create a password you will need to provide this to the User. Note: you are not required to enter a password - the system will allow the user to set up a password of their choosing when the welcome email is sent
Confirm Password If a password is created you will need to input the confirmation of the same password
Active Employee Select to allow Access to the software. Deselect to remove Access to the software.
Change Password Select if you would like the owner to be able to set up their own password
+Add Select this button to add a role to the User Account


STEP 6: Select the Role you would like to assign to this User → OK. Note: If you have previously set up an Owner Access Role you can Filter for the Name to select from the list of Roles.



STEP 7: Select Save 



Once these steps are complete you are now ready to invite your Owner User to the Software. 


STEP 1: Select Actions → Send Welcome Email 



Once this is complete you have created the Owner User Account and invited them to log into Property Vista, this task is complete.


NOTE: Once the Welcome Email has been sent the Owner User has 24 Hours to use the link from the email. After 24 hours the link will expire & a new Welcome Email will need to be sent.






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