Are you ready to Welcome your Owners to Property Vista? Great! Lets get started!
STEP 1: Navigate to Administration → Financial → Accounting → Property Owner Users
STEP 2: Select +New Property Owner User
STEP 3: Use the Dropdown to select the Owner you are creating the User for
STEP 4: Input relevant Data for Property Owner User Account. Note: The only required information on this tab is the First & Last Name & Email Address.
Title | Input a title (Example: Controller, Owner etc..) |
First Name (REQUIRED) | Input First Name of Owner |
Last Name (REQUIRED) | Input Last Name of Owner |
Middle Name | Input Middle Name of Owner |
Birth Date | Input Birth Date of Owner |
Home Phone | Input Home Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) |
Mobile Phone | Input Mobile Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) |
Name Prefix | Select Prefix from dropdown list (Example: Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc..) |
Name Suffix | Input Suffix (Example: PHD, CCNA, OBE, etc..) |
Maiden Name | Input Maiden Name |
Gender | Select Gender from the dropdown list (Male, Female, X) |
Work Phone | Input Work Phone Number (USA & CANADA numbers only) |
Email (REQUIRED) | Input Email Address |
Signature | Select this box to upload a picture of the Owner Signature |
Description | Input a description of the Owner if you would like to add additional information |
STEP 5: Navigate to the Privileges Tab and confirm this Owner User is Active & Add a Role. Note: If at any time you would like to block access for a user unselect Active Employee.
Password | You have the ability to Create a password for your Owner User - If you choose to create a password you will need to provide this to the User. Note: you are not required to enter a password - the system will allow the user to set up a password of their choosing when the welcome email is sent |
Confirm Password | If a password is created you will need to input the confirmation of the same password |
Active Employee | Select to allow Access to the software. Deselect to remove Access to the software. |
Change Password | Select if you would like the owner to be able to set up their own password |
+Add | Select this button to add a role to the User Account |
STEP 6: Select the Role you would like to assign to this User → OK. Note: If you have previously set up an Owner Access Role you can Filter for the Name to select from the list of Roles.
STEP 7: Select Save
Once these steps are complete you are now ready to invite your Owner User to the Software.
STEP 1: Select Actions → Send Welcome Email
Once this is complete you have created the Owner User Account and invited them to log into Property Vista, this task is complete.
NOTE: Once the Welcome Email has been sent the Owner User has 24 Hours to use the link from the email. After 24 hours the link will expire & a new Welcome Email will need to be sent.