Property Vista now allows users to create budgets for properties, as well as generate/export reports with built-in intelligence.
To start entering the budget, go to Finance > Budgeting. While Budget Report can be generated/viewed in Reports > Budget.
To enter the Budget Values:
1. Open the Budgeting tab and click on the "New Budget Button"
2. On the page that follows fill in all mandatory fields. Note that:
- You do not have to start a budget from January and there is no need for an End Date since the report will automatically provide for the next 11 months from the Start Month/Year.
- You can select multiple or all GL accounts in the system.
3. Click Save after filling out the fields.
4. There are 2 ways to populate the values on the grid appearing right after saving:
You can click in any of the cells and populate the values manually
Note in the pop-up which appears a single value can be entered and by clicking Distribute, the system will evenly split that amount by all 12 months. Or enter the amount individually per month.
Clicking Save/Next will allow users to enter the values for the next GL.
- Values can also be exported by clicking on the Actions button and then clicking the Get Import Template option.
- Filling out the template is as easy as populating values in each cell representing the month/GL account intersection. There is no need to modify the column values on the template. Importing of the template will fail if there are more than 13 columns or if GL accounts are introduced which do not exist in the system. GL accounts on the template should only be entered as shown, based on the numerical values of each GL.
- Importing the filled-out spreadsheet can be done by using the Import Records option under the same Actions button.
- Clicking the Export button will export a formatted spreadsheet of the budget input grid. Do not use this export to import the values back into the system.
5. After all the values are entered, the user can now Finalize the budget entry from the Actions button, so it can be used in a report.
- Note: A budget with the status of Final can no longer be edited.
7. Finally, the Audit history tab shows all edits made to the budget.
To create a Budget Report, click this LINK.