The process described below is used for mapping transactions that are originating in the CRM/Billing System. Those transactions are being created in the background of billing processes and require predefined mapping to GL Accounts. Examples of such transactions include: tenant charges, payments, deposits, concessions etc.
You will see that GL Types are mapped to GL accounts on GL Account Mapping screen.
Please note that tabs for GL Types are highlighted. Going to corresponding tab will show the current mapping for selected GL Type. For example, the GL Type: Bank has GL Account 1000-0000 mapped to it.
How to map a GL Account
Step 1: Click on Add New GL Account Mapping.
Step 2: Fill in the boxes as per business needs.
Step 3: See Example below (This example refers to a Bank level GL Mapping)
Please note: Each GL type would have its own parameters which can be set in the mapping.
The following diagram shows the functional flow for financial transactions in the system: