There are several scenarios for this to happen:
Scenario 1: Online Application has started but has not been submitted
Scenario 2: Online Application has been submitted
Scenario 3: Online Application has been approved
Scenario 1: Online Application has started but has not been submitted
Step 1:Navigate to Marketing & Rentals→ Lease Applications→ Select appropriate lease→ Click Actions→ Online Application→ Stop for all
Step 2: Click Edit. Make the necessary changes. Click Save. Invite Tenants back to Online Application
Scenario 2: Online Application has been already signed and submitted
If you need to have the tenants SIGN the electronic lease then you will need to CANCEL the application and re-start it with the new information. Refer to Article: "New Application for Existing Applicant." CLICK HERE
Scenario 3: Online Application has been approved
In this case you will need to move-out the tenant from the wrong lease and re-start the application.
Refer to Article: "New Application for Existing Applicant". CLICK HERE