January Monthly Product Updates 2024 - LeadManaging

Lead Managing (LM)


Highlight Feature

- We have enhanced our Quick Event modal’s Agent dropdown field to check for the agent/user that’s logged in. By default, the user that is logged in and processing a new event will be pre-selected in the dropdown.

If you are re-processing an event on behalf of a colleague. Your colleague’s name remains pre-selected. Note that you may still switch Agents if you need to process on behalf of someone or need to turn the event over to yourself.

Customer Benefit: This allows clients faster event updates and ensures that there is always an Agent assigned to each event.


New Features

- We have updated our Guest Card’s email address field to only accept valid email address formats.


Customer Benefit: This will make sure that users are saving the correct email address contact information of the prospect.


- We have updated our password field to accept the following characters:


  • Uppercase letters: A-Z
  • Lowercase letters: a-z
  • Numbers: 0-9
  • Symbols: ~`! @#$%^&*()_-+= {[}
  • ]|\:;"'<,>.?/


The Change Password message also now shows the updated password guide: “Your password must be a minimum of 7 characters with at least 1 lowercase letter, I uppercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character.”



- We have fixed the issue in the 4th layer Drill Down Report. Users can now see the data of all related buildings in the Type of Leads chart.


- We have fixed the SMS data in the Agent Performance Report UI and Export. Both reports will now show the same SMS count and percentage.


- Users can now process leads as Contact Stage: Application and Result: Applied. This will allow leasing agents to properly label prospects that have moved forward in their leasing journey.


  • In the Quick Event Update modal, users can now update the Contact Stage to Application and Result to Applied.
  • In the Guest Card, users can now update the Contact Stage to Application.


- We have fixed the issue in the Building Notes where two different call events appear with the same Inquiry ID. This fix will make sure that all unique events have their own unique identifiers.


- We have fixed the issue where leads sent from the email tracking address are not getting received by the building email addresses as well as not reflecting in the LeadManaging Dashboard. In addition to this fix, we have updated our email monitoring system to ensure that our development team is alerted immediately once there are emails that have failed to process.

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