Once you have created an Eviction Notice Batch and serviced your notices (see HERE) you may wish to create a Certificate of Service for that batch. To do so, go to the batch in question and click 'Service Notices';
You will be required to choose how you delivered your notices from this batch (choices in image below) and you will need to check the box 'Is Ready For Service' and SAVE;
NOTE- the 'Batch' tab will become available and you will be able to see the docments that the system will be generating upon Actions -> Execute Batch;
The system will now generate the certificates.
To find the Certificate of Service go to the Lease in Question -> Views -> Legal Card, find the eviction notice or any other document issued and drill down to see the Certificate of Service.
Step 1: Find the Legal Notice in question in the Lease Level and expand the Status History
Step 2: Scroll down to the Issued Batch
Step 3: Expand the Certificate of Service Attachment Field
You have now completed the automated Eviction Process within Property Vista.
Please click HERE to look into further customizations within the Legal Cards