Legal Flow- Policy Set Up

This article will run through how to set up the Legal Flow policy in order to be able process your evictions.


You are able to maintain and track various stages in the eviction flow with Property Vista. The policy itself can be set on the organisation level (it is advised at the very least you DO create an organisation policy) but also at Province Level.

As every Country, Province and State are different, you can customize the Eviction flow to your preferences. Simply Click EDIT and add or remove the necessary steps. The image below shows all of the steps we provide by default;


Custom Legal Steps

You have the ability to create Custom Legal Steps so you can track various other stages if required such as persistent late payment of rent, disturbances within the property/ to other tenants etc. Once each step you would require is within this policy, they will become available to add to your tenant legal card or even use as the starting point of its own legal card.  

NOTE: When a Lease is already in a Eviction Flow it will be exempt from automated Notice of Eviction

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