Initial ILS Setup

Internet Listing Service (ILS) allows you to showcase your available units and automatically update ads. This step-by-step guide will help you set up your ILS to maximize leads. 

Add ILS provider

1. Go to Administration at the top of the page → Content Management → ILS Providers.

2. Click the + New ILS Provider button and fill out the relevant information. Click Save.

3. Fill out the PMC contact details by going to Administration → Profile → Company InfoEdit. Click Save. 

4. Click +Add to add a new contact and fill out the relevant details. Click Save.

5. Go to Exit Administration tab at the top of the page and go to Properties → Buildings.

6. Select the building for the ILS feed.

7. Ensure that the Visible indicator is set to Public by going to the Properties → Buildings → Marketing. If this indicator is not set to Public, the building will be excluded from the website/ILS feed. To change go to Edit → Save.

Update rental type, structure type and amenities and utilities. 

8. If necessary, update Type and Rental Type on the General tab by clicking the Edit → Save.

9. If necessary, update Structure Type on the Details tab by clicking Edit Save after making changes.

10. If necessary, add any Amenities and Utilities on the Details tab by clicking the Edit → +Add → Save after adding.

Update floor plan 

11. To ensure that the ILS Opt-Out is set correctly go to Properties → Buildings → select a building and floor plan →  Marketing tab. To change the ILS Opt Out go to Edit Save. If this indicator is set to yes, the floorplan will be excluded from the website/ILS feed. Note that this must be done for every building and a floor plan that you intend to have on the ILS feed. 

12. Upload floorplan images where necessary by going to Properties → Buildings → select a building and floor plan →  Marketing tab → Edit → Add Image → Save → Save (beside the marketing tab). 


Verify unit details

13. Go to Properties → Units, and under the Details tab on a specific unit, make sure all the information is correct and up to date. To change any information go to Edit Save after making changes.


Update pet policies

14. Go to Administration Policies Application/LeasingRestrictions. On the Pets tab, provide the Max Pets and Pet Type. For each Pet Type, the following can be specified: Number Allowed, Size, Weight, and Description.


Add images 

15. Go to Administration Content Management Website. Add images on the Media Gallery tab (available for premium users only). Under the Gadget: Contact tab, provide the relevant information.


Finalize ILS setup

16. Go to Administration Content Management ILS Settings. Choose the buildings to be sent to the ILS provider

17. Exit Administration and go to Marketing and Rentals ILS Feed. List the daily ILS feeds per vendor, so audits can be performed.

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