Internet Listing Service (ILS) allows you to showcase your available units and automatically update ads. This step-by-step guide will help you set up your ILS to maximize leads.
Add ILS provider
1. Go to Administration at the top of the page → Content Management → ILS Providers.
2. Click the + New ILS Provider button and fill out the relevant information. Click Save.
3. Fill out the PMC contact details by going to Administration → Profile → Company Info → Edit. Click Save.
4. Click +Add to add a new contact and fill out the relevant details. Click Save.
5. Go to Exit Administration tab at the top of the page and go to Properties → Buildings.
6. Select the building for the ILS feed.
7. Ensure that the Visible indicator is set to Public by going to the Properties → Buildings → Marketing. If this indicator is not set to Public, the building will be excluded from the website/ILS feed. To change go to Edit → Save.
Update rental type, structure type and amenities and utilities.
8. If necessary, update Type and Rental Type on the General tab by clicking the Edit → Save.
9. If necessary, update Structure Type on the Details tab by clicking Edit → Save after making changes.
10. If necessary, add any Amenities and Utilities on the Details tab by clicking the Edit → +Add → Save after adding.
Update floor plan
11. To ensure that the ILS Opt-Out is set correctly go to Properties → Buildings → select a building and floor plan → Marketing tab. To change the ILS Opt Out go to Edit → Save. If this indicator is set to yes, the floorplan will be excluded from the website/ILS feed. Note that this must be done for every building and a floor plan that you intend to have on the ILS feed.
12. Upload floorplan images where necessary by going to Properties → Buildings → select a building and floor plan → Marketing tab → Edit → Add Image → Save → Save (beside the marketing tab).
Verify unit details
13. Go to Properties → Units, and under the Details tab on a specific unit, make sure all the information is correct and up to date. To change any information go to Edit → Save after making changes.
Update pet policies
14. Go to Administration → Policies → Application/Leasing → Restrictions. On the Pets tab, provide the Max Pets and Pet Type. For each Pet Type, the following can be specified: Number Allowed, Size, Weight, and Description.
Add images
15. Go to Administration → Content Management → Website. Add images on the Media Gallery tab (available for premium users only). Under the Gadget: Contact tab, provide the relevant information.
Finalize ILS setup
16. Go to Administration → Content Management → ILS Settings. Choose the buildings to be sent to the ILS provider
17. Exit Administration and go to Marketing and Rentals → ILS Feed. List the daily ILS feeds per vendor, so audits can be performed.