Upon review of your General Journal you may find a transaction that is not appearing in a GL that you want it to, that is no problem! We can create a new GL mapping & re-journal your transactions to go to the GL of your choice!
In the Example below we are going to Re-Journal an appliance Expense from the default Expense GL-5000-000 to a custom GL account number 5000-0001 for Appliance Expense. The Screenshot below shows the expense in GL Account 5000-0000 with the Vendor Service: Building/Appliances - New
STEP 1: Create your Custom GL account 5000-0001 Appliance Expenses. To review how to set up a custom GL account please review the article HERE
STEP 2: Create a Custom Mapping for Appliance Expenses to the new Custom GL account. Navigate to Administration → Financial → Accounting → GL Account Mapping → Select the Expense Tab → Select +New GL Account Mapping ***Additional Note - Expenses can have custom mapping by Vendor Services whereas other GL account Types such as Income can have custom mappings by AR Codes***
STEP 3: Input your new GL Account Mapping → Select Save
GL Account | Input the Custom GL Account |
Service Level | Select Default |
Effective Date | This field is not required to be filled out - If you would like to input an effective date you may - If an Effective date is used, the system will not allow you to Re-Journal any transactions prior to this date for this type |
Expiration Date | This field is not required to be filled out - If you would like to input an effective date you may - If an Expiration date is used, the system will not allow you to Re-Journal any transactions after this date for this type |
Vendor Service | Select the Vendor Service you are Re-Journaling |
Vendor | This field is not required to be filled out - but in the case that you want to Re-Journal 1 specific vendor expense to 1 specific GL you may input that Vendor Here |
STEP 4: Navigate to Finance → Accounting → General Journal & Filter for GL Account 5000-0000 → Select the Transaction line item you would like to Re-Journal → Select Re-Journal
STEP 5: A text box will appear to confirm the Re-Journaling of the amount of records you have selected → Select Yes
STEP 6: If you Filter for GL Account 5000-0001 you will now see the Re-Journaled Transaction
This task is now complete