Managing taxes

Do you need to set up taxes? Do you have different requirements for Vendors/Services? Let's get started!


STEP 1: Navigate to Administration Policies Finance Taxes Select the Organization Policy or select +New Tax Policy to add a building/province/complex level policy. *** It is recommended for commercial buildings to create a building level policy & add all commercial buildings to this policy, this will allow you to turn on taxes for all vendors, rent, adjustments etc..***



STEP 2: Navigate to the Taxes Tab Select the Pencil to Edit


STEP 3: Select +ADD Input Name of Policy Select + Add / Change Rate Input Tax Rate 


Compound: After you have created more than one tax, if your local law requires you to COMPOUND the tax you can check this box. Create several taxes first before clicking the compound box


STEP 4: Navigate to the Vendor Services Tab Select Applied if you would like to turn on taxes for all Vendor Services only 


*** If you would like to exclude specific services select +ADD under the exceptions section Select the services you would like to exclude from taxes →  OK ***


STEP 5: Navigate to the Products Tab Select Applied if you would like to turn on taxes for all products charges on a lease such as rent, parking, locker etc..


*** If you would like to exclude specific AR Codes used for charges →  Select +ADD under the exceptions section Select the AR Codes you would like to exclude from taxes →  OK ***


STEP 6: Navigate to the Lease Adjustments Tab → Select Applied if you would like to turn on taxes for all lease adjustment charges on a lease such as rent, parking, locker adjustments etc...




*** If you would like to exclude specific AR Codes used for charges →  Select +ADD under the exceptions section Select the AR Codes you would like to exclude from taxes  OK ***



STEP 7: Select Save Save as Current 



This task is now complete






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