Message Center Breakdown

You can find the Message Centre as per screenshot below:



Response Queue

  • The Response Queue will show a dispatcher all tickets waiting to be assigned
    • Assign Tickets to yourself or to someone in the company for an answer. The ticket will be removed from the Response Queue and a message alert is sent to the person the ticket is assigned to.
    • Maintenance Requests: When a maintenance request is resolved it will also automatically close the associated ticket.

System Notifications

  • Provides a list of any notifications that have been received through the PV system


  • Messages will show the end-user all the messages in their InBox.


  • Tickets are events that need an action. A ticket should be resolved and closed to ensure the ticket is closed. Here you will find all the users' Tickets in one place.

Broadcast Events

  • Broadcast Events will show you the action of a broadcast. Click on a broadcast event to see who the messages were sent to as well as if it was delivered. 


  • For those with the right permission sets and ACCESS ROLES assigned, Groups will be there to show full communication strings and history for all messages

Broadcast Templates

  • Default: System generated default templates for users to review and use
  • Custom: Any edited default templates of new templates will appear here
  • Building: Use this if you want to create a template for a specific building or buildings 
  • Personal: For any user to be able to create their own template, and do not need higher level permissions to access
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