You can pay only submitted invoices. In other words, draft invoices are “invisible” for payment process.
Remember: submitted invoice cannot be edited, so make sure you double-check it before submission.
Submitting Individual Invoice
When you submit the invoice, the system in background combines Line Items and Tax Lines into Charges.
Charge sums up invoice’ Line Items and Tax Lines with the same Building and GL Account. In the example above:
You will see and use Charges later on when paying invoices (see Pay Vendor Invoices – Select Invoices and Credits).
Now, it’s time for the system to validate your submitted invoice. What will be checked?
- Invoice has to have at least one Line Item, i.e. invoice without Line Items cannot be submitted.
- Expenses are accepted by Property Vista’ Accounts Payable module. For example, invoice date must be in the open month and the building should have an owner.
Once validation is done – what’s next?
- Invoice Balance becomes equal to Invoice Original Total.
- Invoice status is changed from Draft to Submitted.
- Vendor Invoicing Summary is updated: Invoice Balance is added to ‘Invoices’ and ‘Outstanding Balances’.
Please note: You cannot edit a submitted invoice
Submitting multiple invoices
Instead of submitting invoices one by one, you can also do it at once: select invoices in Draft status and click Submit Invoices button:
Viewing Payments and Credits Applied to the Invoice
After submitted invoice was paid (partially or in full) and/or credits applied to the invoice, you can see
these transactions when viewing the invoice, on ‘Payments and Credits’ tab.
On this screen, you see all attempts to pay this invoice and apply credits. There will be not only
“successful” transactions (status is Confirmed), but ones which were cancelled/rejected in the process.
Of course, the only amount of Confirmed transactions is considered in Total Confirmed Payments and
Total Applied Credits.