Editing Floor Plan Details

This article reviews how Community Managers can: 1) update the floor plan Marketing Name, 2) Update floor plan Matterport Links, 3) Update floor plan Marketing Images used for Vista Websites and ILS feeds.


  1. In the CRM, navigate to Properties and select your Building.
  2. To modify a Floor plan, select the “Floorplans” tab from the top-level navigation menu, then select the floor plan you would like to edit.
  3. After selecting a floor plan, select the Marketing tab.
  4. Then select the “Edit” icon on the upper-right of the screen.
  5. Community Managers can edit the “Marketing Name” field to specify the display name used for floor plans on Vista Websites and in ILS feeds.
  6. Community Managers can edit the “Virtual Tour Link” field to specify the matterport link URL to be used for floor plans on Vista Websites and in ILS feeds.
  7. Community Managers can click the “Edit” button in the Images section on the lower half of the page to modify the marketing images that are used for floor plans on Vista Websites and in ILS feeds.
  8. Click on “Add Image” from the Image Organizer sub-menu.
  9. Set visibility to “Public” for any newly uploaded images that you would like displayed on Vista Websites and/or in ILS feeds.
  10. Once changes are finalized, select the “Save” button from the top-right of the screen.



Update Timing:

  • Vista Websites reflect any changes made to floor plan details in real-time.
  • ILS feeds require a data synchronization exercise between the Property Vista systems and our ILS Syndication partners, who often have an additional data synchronization step from their databases to participating ILS providers. As a result, updates to floor plan details may take up to 24 hours to reflect on ILS feeds.
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