Map A/R codes in Property Vista to match Yardi

Mapping Yardi charge codes to Property Vista AR codes allows Property Vista to properly display Yardi billable items on leases.

Typical codes include Rent, Parking, and Lockers, but ensure to map all rentable items or features that you may have. You will also need to map Deposits if applicable, such as Move-In Deposits, Security Deposits or Last Month's Rent Deposits (please click HERE). Please ensure that each Yardi charge code is mapped to, at most, one Property Vista AR code.

This step-by-step guide will help you map A/R codes to Yardi.

1. Go to Administration at the top of the page   Financial →  AR Codes

2. Use the Filter function to narrow down the results (ie. Parking, Rent)

3. Click on the AR code in question


4. Click Edit


5.+ADD or edit the existing charge code to match the equivalent code exactly as found in Yardi (eg. rent).


6. Click Save



NOTE: If the charge code is not mapped, it will not be able to communicate to Yardi.

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